Saturday, May 19, 2012

Nokia Concede By Selling Head Office In New York

Nokia Head Office Sold
Slowly Nokia seems get more trouble over and over, and Nokia is predicted to be out of funds in 2013.  We can said that by some facts : Nokia phones sales is decreasing year by year, because of many consumers nowadays prefer choosing another OS such as Blackberry, iOS, and Android. As we know the newest product of Nokia that is Windows Phone seems to be not succesful in the gadget market.

Nokia Logo
Nokia's decision by leaving the Os symbian and switch to Windows Phone seems so bad, many people said Nokia should go for Android that is popular nowadays than Windows Phone.

Nokia has just sold one of his head office to the biotechnology company "Histogenetics" at a price of 12 million US dollar.
Michael Rao as president of the company said that 12 million dollars is a good price in accordance with the big and spectacular buildings.
Nokia was forced to sell the building because of the demands of the shareholders due to a loss of 1.7 billion dollars in the second quarter and 1.2 billion dollars in the first quarter. Now that Nokia still has 27 offices in the United States and one office in California.


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