Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Apple Finally Can Set Free "iPad"

New Ipad

Apple finally has the right to use the name for the iPad tablet computer products, with no one to "harass" again.

This problem is solved by Apple to pay 60 million dollars to Proview Technologies, as the official owner of the iPad name in China.

High Court of Guangdong, China, stating that the trademark dispute between Proview and Apple has been completed. This problem is resolved thanks to negotiations between the two since February 2012 and, according to court recommendation.

Trademark dispute between Proview and the Apple iPad occurred since 2011. By filing a law suit, Proview try to block the delivery of iPad sales in China. In fact, Proview also tried to sue Apple in the United States, but the move did not work.

In 1998, Proview began developing computer type All-in-One PC called IPAD, stands for Personal Internet Access Device. iPad from Proview go on sale in 2000, ten years earlier than the Apple iPad tablet.

Proview itself had collapsed in 2010 due to global crisis and abandoned factories located in Shenzen, China. They are busy paying debts and threatened stricken from the Hong Kong stock exchange.

China is one of the largest market for Apple. Demand for Apple products is very high in China. However, Apple started to get a rival that's Samsung that's also beginning to enter the China market.

Observers say one reason why Apple would approve the settlement of a copyright dispute this name is, these companies do not want their sales in China disrupted and lost from Samsung.


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