Tuesday, July 3, 2012

iPad Mini Launch in October, cost around 299 U$

Apple Ipad Mini
Soon after Google announced the Nexus 7 tablet which cost 199 dollars or less than $ 2 million, Apple called the iPad Mini is preparing to be sold at 299 U.S. dollars.

It was delivered through the analysis of Pacific Crest researcher Andy Hargreaves, as reported by Mashable.

According to this analysis, iPad Mini will use the screen size of 7.85 inches and has a storage capacity of 8 GB. Hargreaves also mentioned that this device will be released in October.

iPad Mini is rumored to have been tested at Apple headquarters in Cupertino, United States. Rumors about this device has begun to circulate since taking office Tim Cook Apple CEO position to replace the late Steve Jobs.

Apple iPad predicted would stop production of 2 for 399 U.S. dollars so as not to compete directly with iPad Mini. According to Hargreaves analysis, the end of 2012, Apple could sell 10 million devices iPad Mini.

IDC Research Director for Mobile Devices Tom Mainelli estimates, iPad Mini will reinforce the dominance of Apple in the market if the tablet is really priced under $ 300 price point and released this year.


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