Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Smartphones Users Seldom Make A Call

Smartphones Users Seldom Make A Call, they mostly use cellphones for another activities other than calls. Is this a sign of a shift in the function of a smartphone?

O2, a leading operator in the UK released a survey stating that the smartphone is now widely used for surfing the internet, checking social networking sites to play games. The main phone functions to simply "rambling" is now beginning to shift.

Function smartphone is now also replace a variety of gadgets like alarm clock, game consoles and digital cameras. Various devices are now able to integrate functions on smartphones.
smartphone users seldom make a call
Based on the results of the survey, the average smartphone user using the device more than two hours per day. During this time, they tend to use the devices to the Internet daily (24 minutes 49 seconds), social media (17 minutes 29 seconds), music (15 minutes 38 seconds) and games played (14 minutes 26 seconds).

While for calling, smartphone users spend only an average of 12 minutes 6 seconds. While the rest to check email (11 minutes 6 seconds), short message (10 minutes 12 seconds), the television or film (9 minutes and 23 seconds), read a book (9 minutes 22 seconds) and shooting (3 minutes 28 seconds).

From the results of the survey, using a smartphone for calling only get ranked fifth, but still better than used for checking email and writing sms.

On the other hand, users also take advantage of smartphone devices to take pictures. Although far less than other smartphone functions, more than 74 percent of smartphone users use the camera to take pictures.

"Smartphones are now like a military knife that replaces the function of clock, camera, books to a laptop. Function smartphone is now not just to call, but could also play a role in all aspects of life," said General Manager of Devices O2 David Johnson.

In addition, more than 54 percent of smartphone users not to use the alarm clock, while about 46 percent use it to replace his watch.

The results of this survey are even more advanced again in the United States. People have started to reduce phone calls in the smartphone since 2007. The average length of telephone calls has declined since 2005, only about 90 seconds.


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